
A website for CSE freshers

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A website for CSE freshers

For client:

cd client/

npm i

npm start to start the development server

For server:

  • navigate to the server folder cd server

  • for installing virtual env module: pip install virtualenv

  • then run this command: python -m venv ./virtual

  • this creates a folder named 'virtual' which stores the necessary scripts, then run this command: ./virtual/Scripts/activate or source virtual/Scripts/activate (for bash and replace the 'Scripts' with 'bin' for Linux)

For installing modules:

cd into the server folder and run these commands:
cd server

pip install -r "requirements.txt"

For starting the server:

Short-method (from the root folder)

    #for bash
    source bash_run.sh

    #for linux
    source linux_run.sh

    #for pwsh

    #for cmd

Long Method

  • go into the server directory cd server

  • activate the virtual env: ./server/virtual/Scripts/activate

  • then start app.py using nodemon: nodemon --exec python app.py