
expose your ip address to world 🌍

Primary LanguageJavaScript



expose your ip address to the world

NPM Downloads

qrip is a cli that let you to get your current ip address of connected network.

all you have todo is just install node then run these command below:

npm install -g qrip-cli


just run qrip and it will show you the qr code of your ip.

qrip                        # http://192.168.x.x

add port

to add port, just use the flags -p or --port

qrip -p 3000                # http://192.168.x.x:3000


if you want a route behind the url, use the flags -r or --route

qrip -r dashboard           # http://192.168.x.x/dashboard
qrip -r dashboard -p 3000   # http://192.168.x.x:3000/dashboard

copy to clipboard

use -c or --copy

qrip -c                     # it will automatically copy the url to clipboard

show the url of ip address

use -s or --show

qrip -s                     # it will show the ip address