
64Digits V4 Codebase

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


  • PHP 5.4.7+
  • Node 6.8.0+
  • MySQL 5.5.23+
  • Yii v1.1.12

Libraries Used


1) Install Yii Framework somewhere outside of the repo. 
	(Recommended to be in ../yii, assuming you're in a public_html folder)
		Should look like this:
2) Modify index.php to point to that Yii install
	The current copy is in a sub-directory, so it's pointing two directories back.
	Most likely, you'll need to remove one set of ../ from the path.
3) cp protected/config/main-copy.php protected/config/main.php; 
	Configure the main.php file with your own database credentials (component -> db)
4) cp protected/config/console-copy.php protected/config/console.php;
	Configure this file with the same database credentials.
5) ./protected/yiic migrate
	Will list all migrations available. 
	Use the command `./protected/yiic migrate up <X>` to upgrade database X steps.
6) cp .htaccess-copy .htaccess;
	You shouldn't have to modify this file unless you're in a subdirectory. If so, include it in the BASEPATH folder. This takes care of the redirector.
7) Install node.js & dependancies (via package.json, included)
	cd node; npm install;
	Start node/server.js as a daemon. You can do this in a screen or whatever.
8) Configure Node for MYSQL...
	cp config-copy.js config.js;
	Add required fields (You'd think there would be a way to not have to do this a dozen times...)

Quick Install (After cloning and setting up Yii)

cd node; npm install; cd ../;
cp .htaccess-copy .htaccess;
cp protected/config/main-copy.php protected/config/main.php;
cp protected/config/console-copy.php protected/config/console.php;
cp config-copy.js config.js;
**Configure the MySQL credentials in main.php, console.php, and config.js**
./protected/yiic migrate up 1
cd node; screen; node server.js;

Relevant Documentation