
Detect nearby BLE devices, keep statistics.

Primary LanguagePython


Detecta-ble scans the surrounding BLE devices and extracts their service and characteristics information. It also keeps statistics of advertising packages sent by BLE devices.


Detecta-ble currently has 5 arguments:

  1. -t (--scan_time): Scanning time for surrounding BLE devices (seconds) (default=10).
  2. -iface (--interface): Bluetooth dongle iface (hciX). Type 1 for hci1.
  3. -adv (--show_adv): Enable showing real-time ble addresses of advertisement packets while detecta-ble is scanning.
  4. -rssi (--show_rssi): Enable showing real-time rssi values of advertisement packets while detecta-ble is scanning.
  5. -w (--write_folder): Name of the folder if you want to keep statistics for "advertisement packet counts per device" and "latest rssi values of devices"
  6. -json (--json): Save output in json format (with timestamp).

Usage Examples

Example 1:

  • Use hci1 bluetooh interface.
  • Scan nearby BLE devices for 5 seconds.
  • Save json output.
└─$ sudo python3 detecta_ble.py -i 1 -t 5 -json

Example 2:

  • Use hci0 bluetooth interface.
  • Scan nearby BLE devices for 20 seconds.
  • Create 'BLE_STATISTICS' folder and keep statistic files in it.
  • Print the BLE address for each BLE device detected during the scanning phase.
└─$ sudo python3 detecta_ble.py -i 0 -t 20 -w BLE_STATISTICS -adv 

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