Cross Platform Multi threaded REST API / HTTP Server framework using thread-pooling implementation with modern C++

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


RestC++ is a micro web framework developed with modern C++. Currently supports Windows and Linux systems.


How to build

You can easily build by CMake or Makefile included to repo for both Windows and Linux

Components of RESTC++


This is wrapper class for whole framework, to be able run the server. Just create an instance of restcpp::Server class and call run method.

restcpp::Server server(80);


Server uses a custom implementation of thread pool design to create a multithreaded server to serve multiple client connections at the same time.Number of threads that are in thread pool are controlled by THREAD_COUNT constant which is in Common.h file (default is 3).


To have a proper web server and/or REST API, you have to define routes. Idea behind routes is parsing URL path and calling a defined callback function to create a response to that request depends on URL path and HTTP method type. For RESTC++, you can call appropriate function of Server class to create a dynamic route

Server& get(const std::string& URLPath, const std::function<void(const HTTPRequest&,HTTPResponse&)>& callBack);
Server& post(const std::string& URLPath, const std::function<void(const HTTPRequest&,HTTPResponse&)>& callBack);
Server& put(const std::string& URLPath, const std::function<void(const HTTPRequest&,HTTPResponse&)>& callBack);
Server& patch(const std::string& URLPath, const std::function<void(const HTTPRequest&,HTTPResponse&)>& callBack);
Server& del(const std::string& URLPath, const std::function<void(const HTTPRequest&,HTTPResponse&)>& callBack);

Static File Serving

RESTC++ allows you to directly serve files from a folder (and its subfolders automatically) to a URL path with file name at the end of the URL. To add dynamic route we will call serveStatic function class Serverclass.

restcpp::Server server(6005);

With this example we can directly reach files a under WWW_ROOT folder (and its subfolders) by localhost:6005/files/ path.

Dynamic route

A dynamic route is a more complex routing type than static file serving.In dynamic routing, we generally don't directly send files over path.Instead, we parse fields from HTTPRequest object (like form data or file sent with request) or we parse. To parse request and mutate HTTPResponse object, we need user defined callback functions. To add dynamic route we need to use route methods which attached to instances of Server class. There two ways to accomplish this, first one is define function seperately and pass it as a parameter.

void  test(const restcpp::HTTPRequest&  req, restcpp::HTTPResponse&  res)
server.get("/greeting/", test);

Second way, you can declare it as lambda function with std::function

	[](const restcpp::HTTPRequest&  req, restcpp::HTTPResponse&  res) 
		{ res.setBodyText("Greetings!"); });

Another example with POST method

server.post("/",[](const restcpp::HTTPRequest&  req, restcpp::HTTPResponse&  res) {
	res.setBodyText("You've sent a POST request!");
Parsing URL Parameters

To parse URL parameters and store them as variables in HTTPRequest object, we need to specify it with surrounding with curly brackets in URL Path parameter of routing function Here is an example.

server.get("/greeting/{name}/{surname}",  testParams);

Now you can access name and surname as variable in HTTPRequest parameter of callback function via getParam member function of HTTPRequest class.

void  testParams(const restcpp::HTTPRequest&  req, restcpp::HTTPResponse&  res)
	res.setBodyText("Greetings, Mr./Mrs. "  +  req.getParam("name") +  "  "  +  req.getParam("surname"));


This is part of framework which handles data that stored in HTTP requests, such as different headers and body types. Such as:

Path parameters
General headers (HTTP version,User-Agent,host,URL path,time etc.)

Also it parses form body of request if exists, and parses into objects of FormData class.

Constructor of HTTPRequest class takes raw string read from socket and parses it.Also it has setters and getters so you can modify it,but since callback functions of dynamic routes gets const HTTPRequest& you can not do that in call them.


Class of framework to used create and store responses for requests of clients.Most important of this class is it has different member functions for storing data in body:

setBodyText //Set content type of response to text/plain
setBodyJSON //Set content type of response to application/json
setBodyHTML //Set content type of response to text/html
setBodyFile //Send file in response

We can serialize HTTPResponse objects into proper std::string via serializeResponse function.


This class used to store every member of forms sent with request. It can store either text or binary data.


We can use RESTC++ as a HTTP proxy as well.All we need to use dynamic routes to proxy a specific path into an address. Here is an example.

void  proxyTest(const restcpp::HTTPRequest&  req, restcpp::HTTPResponse&  res)
	res  = restcpp::Proxy("google.com").getResponse();


RESTC++ supports HTTP cookies.We can use Cookie class to create HTTP cookies and add them to HTTPResponse objects by addCookie function.

void testSetCookie(const restcpp::HTTPRequest& req, restcpp::HTTPResponse& res)
	restcpp::Cookie cookie('test','test');


In RESTC++ HTTP sessions wraps Cookies with Session class and stores key-value pairs with std::string as a key and std::any as a value (which makes you can store object of any class or primitive type as a value).

You need to call setData function to store key-value pairs in instance of Session class.

restcpp::Session session(restcpp::generateUUID());

To store sessions on the server, you have instantiate a SessionManager object and add sessions to them. addSession function of SessionManager class returns Session* to the session if you successfully add the session to the manager or create session by providing a session ID (you can use restcpp::generateUUID function to crate unique ids for sessions).

restcpp::sessionManager.addSession(session); // Add an existing session to the manager
restcpp::Session* newSession = sessionManager(restcpp::generateUUID()); // Creates a new session

To set a new cookie over response call toCookie function of Session instance to get Session as a Cookie to set.

restcpp::session session("test");


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