
A simplistic web interface to visualize multeval outputs for multimodal MT experiments

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This simple web interface allows you to parse and visualize the ranksys folder produced by the multeval utility.


  • A modified version of the multeval utility is required to produce the results folders. Specifically, a python wrapper around the multeval Java toolkit constructs a folder hierarchy similar to below for each experiment:
<results folder>
├── <src_language>-<trg_langage>_<experiment name> (ex: en-fr_multimodal_att_v1)
│   ├── <test set> (ex: test_2016_flickr)
│   │   ├── ranksys
│   │   │   ├── snmt-rnn-multimodal.sortedby.bleu
│   │   │   ├── snmt-rnn-multimodal.sortedby.meteor
│   │   │   ├── snmt-rnn-multimodal.sortedby.ter
│   │   │   ├── wait1-rnn-multimodal.sortedby.bleu
│   │   │   ├── wait1-rnn-multimodal.sortedby.meteor
│   │   │   ├── wait1-rnn-multimodal.sortedby.ter
│   │   │   ├── wait1-rnn-unimodal.sortedby.bleu
│   │   │   ├── wait1-rnn-unimodal.sortedby.meteor
│   │   │   └── wait1-rnn-unimodal.sortedby.ter
│   │   ├── results.tex
│   │   ├── results.txt
│   │   └── srcs.pkl.bz2
│   └── <another test set>
│       ├── ranksys
│       │   ├── ...
│       ├── results.tex
│       ├── results.txt
│       └── srcs.pkl.bz2
├── <another experiment folder>
│   ├── ...
  • Every test set folder contains a srcs.pkl.bz2 file which is a dictionary packing the list of pre-processed source sentences as they are provided to the MT model during training. If the file is missing, source sentences will not be shown in the web interface. The file is a bz2-compressed pickle file, which has the following structure:
  'snmt-rnn-unimodal': [src_sent_1, ..., src_sent_N],
  'snmt-rnn-multimodal': [src_sent_1, ..., src_sent_N],
  'wait1-rnn-unimodal': [src_sent_1, ..., src_sent_N],
  'wait1-rnn-multimodal': [src_sent_1, ..., src_sent_N],
  • Current code relies on Multi30k test sets and embeds the images for test_2016_flickr, test_2017_flickr and test_2017_mscoco test sets into a pickle file under the data/ folder. If your ranksys folders are named to include these identifiers for test sets, everything should work out-of-the-box.


After installing the runtime dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt, run the following command and fire up your browser to point at localhost:8080.

$ python server.py -r <results folder>

