

  • Customers: There are different types of customers, such as RegularCustomer and GoldCustomer. Each customer has a name, ID, and points.
  • Products: The system manages a list of products, each with an ID, name, base price, type, luxury status, VAT rate, and product promotion percentage.
  • Basket: Customers can add products to their basket by specifying the product ID and the desired amount.
  • Transactions: When a customer makes a purchase, a transaction is created that includes the customer, the list of products in the basket, and the total amount.
  • Point Calculation: With each transaction, customers earn points based on the total amount spent.


  1. Start by creating a RetailCompany instance.
  2. Add products to the company's product list using the addProduct method.
  3. Add customers to the company's customer list using the addCustomer method.
  4. Customers can add products to their basket using the addProductToBasket method, specifying the product ID and the amount.
  5. Customers can make a purchase by calling the buy method, passing the customer ID.
  6. The system will calculate the total amount, update the customer's points, and create a transaction object.
  7. Access the list of transactions through the company's getTransactions method.