
Ansible script to install and configure wordpress in a simple way. Stack: CentOS8, nginx including lets-ecnrypt certs and mariadb. Define a plugin list and a theme to install them automatically. Including SMTP support.

Primary LanguageJinja

Welcome to ansible-wordpress-centos8

Version Documentation License: MIT

Ansible script to install and configure wordpress in a simple way. Stack: CentOS8, nginx including lets-ecnrypt certs and mariadb. Define a plugin list and a theme to install them automatically. Including SMTP support.


  1. Clone this repository
git clone URL
  1. Edit hosts.yml (domain, lets-encrypt mail, theme and plugins) Template (group_vars/all/vars.yml)
      site_domain: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
      letsencrypt_email: mail@example.com
        - name: THEMENAME # e.g. 'oceanwp'
          version: THEMEVERSION # e.g. '1.8.9'
          child_theme_file: CHILD_THEME_FILE # if provided in ./roles/wordpress/files
        # use plugin name from wordpress route
        # e.g. https://wordpress.org/plugins/LOOK-HERE-FOR-PLUGIN-NAME/
        - name: WP_PLUGIN_NAME_A
        - name: WP_PLUGIN_NAME_B
        - name: WP_PLUGIN_NAME_C
  1. Generate secrets (db_password_user, db_password_db and if necessary smtp config) and save them to vault.yml
pwgen -n1 64

Template (group_vars/all/vault.yml)

    db_password: DB_PASSWORD # use strong generated password
    db_password_root: DB_PASSWORD_ROOT # use strong generated password
    wordpress_mail: # if defined, the mail config will be set in wp-config.php
       smtp_user: SMTP_USER # smtp login
       smtp_pass: SMTP_PASS
       smtp_host: SMTP_HOST # smtp server/host (e.g. mail.example.com)
       smtp_from: SMTP_FROMT # email is send from MAIL (e.g. contact@example.com)
       smtp_name: SMTP_NAME # email is send from NAME (e.g. 'My example contact')
       smtp_port: SMTP_PORT
       smtp_secure: tls
       smtp_auth: true
       smtp_debug: 0 # choos 1 for debug mode
  1. Generate vault password for vault.yml and encrypt the vault.yml file
ansible-vault encrypt FILE
  1. Deploy via ansible
ansible-playbook wordpress.yml


💻 virtUOS (University Osnabrück)

👤 Florian Feyen

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