
An Ansible Role to create a Gitlab Group, assign a user to the group with a specified level of access, and optionally assign the new Group with share access on an existing Gitlab Project.

MIT LicenseMIT



An Ansible Role to create a Gitlab Group, assign a user to the group with a specified level of access, and optionally assign the new Group with share access on an existing Gitlab Project.


To assign the new Gitlab Group access to an existing Gitlab Project your user account will require Owner access on that particular project. Refer to the gitlab-project Role for creation of a Gitlab Project.


Variable Name Default Value Required Description
gl_url "" yes URL to Gitlab Server
gl_validate_certs "false" no Whether or not to validate the Gitlab server's SSL certificates. Options are "true" or "false".
gl_secrets True no Whether or not to load vaulted credentials from vars/gitlab-secrets.yml. If set to False, you must provide the gl_token in another way (i.e. via playbook vars, group_vars, host_vars or a vault included with include_vars from your main playbook.)
gl_user "" yes API User to Access Gitlab with.
gl_token "" yes Gitlab Impersonation Token for making API Calls. Should be stored in an Ansible Vault located in vars/gitlab-secrets.yml.
gl_create_grp "" yes Name of Gitlab group to create. Gitlab does not allow a Group name with spaces or special characters.
gl_grp_desc "" no Description of the Gitlab Group to create.
gl_grp_path "" no Path of the Gitlab Group to create. This will get set to the value of gl_create_grp if not provided.
gl_grp_visibility "private" no Defines if the Gitlab Group's visibility is private, internal, or public.
gl_prj_name "" no The name of the Gitlab Project to map the new Gitlab Group share access to. This is optional.
gl_grp_users "" no List of Gitlab users to assign to the new Gitlab Group, and their associated permissions. The access field must be one of the following integers: 10 - Guest, 20 - Reporter, 30 - Developer, 40 - Master, 50 - Owner. The name field represents the user's name. The access field represents the user's access. The user must first exist in Gitlab.
gl_prj_grp_access "30" no Permission to apply for the group on the specified gl_prj_name project. The value must be one of the following integers: 10 - Guest, 20 - Reporter, 30 - Developer, 40 - Master, 50. This only applies if gl_prj_name is specified.

gl_grp_users Variable Usage:

  - name: "myusername"
    access: "40"
  - name: "mydeveloperuser"
    access: "30"

It is recommended to make use of no_log: True on an include of this role to prevent exposing your impersonation API token

Playbook Examples

Standard Role Usage

- hosts: "all"
    - role: "gitlab_groups"
      gl_url: "https://mygitlab.org"
      gl_validate_certs: "false"
      gl_secrets: True
      gl_user: "ansible"
      gl_token: "{{ my_vaulted_gitlab_token }}"
      gl_create_grp: "team1"
      gl_grp_desc: "Group for my team1 members."
      gl_prj_name: "team1"
        - name: "userA"
          access: "50" #Owner
        - name: "userB"
          access: "40" #Master
        - name: "userC" #Developer
          access: "30"
      no_log: True #Please do this to protect your API token




Andrew J. Huffman