
Next.js contact form with Server Actions, Nodemailer, React Hook Form, Zod, Tailwind CSS, reCAPTCHA, Handlebars with TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Next.js 14 Contact Form with Server Actions, Nodemailer, React Hook Form, Zod, Tailwind CSS, reCAPTCHA, and TypeScript

This is a template for a contact form with Next.js. It uses a custom server to send the email and validate the form. It also uses reCAPTCHA to prevent spam. Handlebars is used to create the email template.

For pages router visit https://github.com/ozcancelik/nextjs-mail-form repository.




How to use

### Prerequisites

  • Clone the repository and install the dependencies.
  • Create a .env file or change the name of .env.example to .env and fill the variables.

Install dependencies

npm install
# or

### Run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

### Build the app

npm run build
# or
yarn build

### Run the production server:

npm run start
# or
yarn start


  • You can change the server port in .env file. If empty, it will use the default port 3000.
  • If you have problems with Nodemailer, you can try to change the port or other settings. You can find more info in the Nodemailer documentation. More info: https://nodemailer.com/smtp/
  • Gmail requires you to enable "Less secure app access" in your account settings. More info: https://nodemailer.com/usage/using-gmail/
  • For the reCAPTCHA to work, you need to add the domain to the reCAPTCHA admin panel.

Tested with Node.js v18.12.1.

Using Server Actions

Server Actions is a new feature introduced in Next.js 13 that allows you to handle form submissions on the server-side without the need for a separate API route or server.

You can find the server actions in the @/app/actions file. The sendContactForm function is used to send the email.