
waveshare electronics 1.8" C yotta microbit code.

Package product


This is a small subset of commands to talk to the waveshare lcd from the micro:bit using yotta. The official code base uses makecode which can be a tad restrictive if your in a custom microbit project.

This should also talk to any SPI based ST7735S LCD available as long as the following pinouts are defined;

PIN micro:bit PIN Description Vcc 3V3 Power GND GND Ground MISO P14 SPI data master input/slave output MOSI P15 SPI data master output/slave input SCK P13 SPI clock input LCD_CS P16 LCD chip selection RAM_CS P2 SRAM chip selection DC P12 LCD data/command RST P8 LCD reset BL P1 LCD backlight

I compile and run this using yotta as part of my main.cpp

#include "LCD_Driver.h" LCD_Driver ldriv;

ldriv.LCD_Init(void); //Initialise the LCD ldriv.LCD_SetBL(int Lev); //doesnt seem to work but should change the lcd brightness ldriv.LCD_Clear(UWORD Color); // sets the BG colour so to clear just call LCD_Clear(0xFFFF); (for white) ldriv.LCD_ClearBuf(void); //Clear LCD buffer ldriv.LCD_Display(void); // Draw the screen with whatever changes you have sent ldriv.LCD_DisplayWindows(UWORD Xstart, UWORD Ystart, UWORD Xend, UWORD Yend); // TBD not sure ldriv.LCD_DrawPoint(int x, int y, int Color, int Dot); // draw pixel ldriv.LCD_DrawLine(unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2,unsigned int colour); //Draw a line (really draws several pixels) ldriv.LCD_DisString(int Xchar, int Ychar, char Charval[], int Color); // Write String ldriv.LCD_DrawRectangle(unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2,unsigned int colour, unsigned int fill); // draw a square filled, great for screen refreshs of a small area ldriv.LCD_DrawCircle(int xc, int yc,int r,unsigned int colour, int fill); // Draw a circle and fill it
ldriv.LCD_DisChar_1207(int Xchar, int Ychar, int Char_Offset, int Color); // Draw a single character



Supported targets

  • for Yotta/microbit (The metadata above is needed for package search.)