Weather Forecasting Telegram Bot

This Telegram bot provides weather forecasts for user-specified cities. Users can add and delete cities to receive weather updates.




To set up the bot for development or personal use, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone

  2. Install the required dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Create an .env file to store your Telegram Bot Token and Collect API Key: TOKEN = your_telegram_bot_token API = your_collectapi_key


To start and interact with the bot, follow these steps:

  • To start the bot, run:

    • python
  • Commands

    • /start: Initializes the conversation with the bot.
    • /add_city: Adds a city to the user's city list.
    • /delete_city: Deletes a city from the user's city list.
    • /weather: Retrieves the weather forecast for the user's registered cities.

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