- admineralAustria
- agileswarm
- animesh-chakrabartykolkata, india
- badbias
- bertusviljoenSouth Africa, Pretoria
- BradawanUSA
- c940606
- cameroncookeBrighton, UK
- codingdrone
- davidhr76Belgium
- duqbUTC+8
- EasyChris
- federicoschermi@polimi
- Gptpaid
- HeroorIndie developer
- himomohi
- itsbrexSavills US
- jakerainsOne of the Middle ones.
- kabindrasonyPlanet Earth
- lokkju@eltorocorp
- lolieatapple
- mar0derDoka
- meicale瑞雪兆丰念
- poemsforaphroditeZS
- ppkkgh
- RalphX1
- snekkenull
- SOSONAGIHansolDeco Ltd
- suhmily
- Suryapratap-R
- TCdesign-devIstituto Agnelli
- TomBener
- tomchapinPhase Interactive
- watanoDataAgg
- ykyritsisAustralia
- zuzu