
A React Native MacOS demo for ChatGPT client

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A React Native MacOS demo for ChatGPT client



Clone this repository.

git clone https://github.com/ozgrozer/chatgpt-macos.git

Install dependencies and initialize macos.

yarn install
npx react-native-macos-init

Start development.

# first terminal tab
yarn start
# second terminal tav
yarn macos

Build the app.

  1. Open macos/ChatGPTMacOS.xcworkspace file.
  2. Select the project name near the top left.
  3. Then go to Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme.
  4. Set the Run/Build Configuration to Release.
  5. Build the app by Product > Build or just pressing CMD + B.
  6. Right-click on the .app file in the Products group in the left sidebar, and select Show in Finder.