
A todo app with free resources

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A todo app with free resources



  1. Fork this repo.
  2. Register your domain at Freenom.
  3. Create A records in Freenom (Manage Domain/Manage Freenom DNS) to point your domain to the GitHub IPs.
  4. Update your domain in docs/CNAME.
  5. Create a new Firebase project and get your credentials.
  6. Update your Firebase credentials in src/js/fire.js.
  7. You're ready to go.


  1. Fork this repo.
  2. Clone your repo to your local computer with git clone.
  3. Install dependencies with yarn install or npm install.
  4. Start development with yarn start or npm start.
  5. Build your app with yarn build or npm run build.
  6. Push your code.


  1. Freenom for free .ml TLD.
  2. Firebase for free database.
  3. Let's Encrypt for free SSL certificate. (GitHub handles this.)
  4. GitHub Pages for free web hosting.
  5. GitHub for free file hosting.


  1. Git for version control.
  2. Atom for text editor.


  1. @firebase/app for to use Firebase plugins.
  2. @firebase/database for to use Firebase database.
  3. axios for to make XHR requests.
  4. babel-preset-env for to compile ES6+ to ES5.
  5. babel-preset-react for to compile React syntax.
  6. bootstrap for to make front-end UI. (CSS)
  7. node-sass for compile SCSS to CSS.
  8. parcel-bundler for to bundle app.
  9. react for to make front-end UI. (JS)
  10. react-dom for to render React app.