For further reference, please consider the following sections:
- Terraform Intro
- Terraform EKS
- Kubectl
- Building AWS EKS using Terraform
- Provision EKS Cluster using Terraform
- Creating AWS Cert using Terraform
- Terraform AWS VPC Module
- Terraform AWS EKS Module
- Terraform AWS ALB Module
- Terraform AWS Security-Group Module
- Terraform AWS ACM Cert Module
- Terraform AWS ALB Ingress Controller
- Kubernetes External DNS
These additional references should also help you:
- AWS IAM Auth
- Kubectl Autocomplete
- jq
- Subdomain in Route53
- Define EC2 KeyPair
- Troubleshoot Newly Creates EKS cluster
- EKS API Server Unauthorized
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
Known issue first apply
run will fail with multiple errors like this one:
Error: Post "": dial tcp: lookup on no such host
follow it with $ terraform output kubeconfig > ~/.kube/config
and then a subsequent $ terraform apply
will start reaching the cluster
- Repo owner or admin
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