Python versions

Stock Price Prediction App

Stock price prediction app provides future price predictions for the S&P 100 Index stocks for next 90 days by using artificial intelligence models.
It also provides comprehensive analysis about the statistics of a spesific stock in a desired time interval.

Deployed Application URLs

Application Overview

Stock Price Prediction Page (Home Page)


Stock Analysis Page


How to Launch The App?

1. Clone The Repository to Your Local

git clone

OPTIONAL: Docker (Skip step 2, 3, 4 and 5 If you are going to use Docker for launch)

docker build -t <IMAGE_NAME> .
docker run -p 8501:8501 <IMAGE_NAME>

2. Create a New Python environment to Avoid Conflicts

python3 -m venv <ENV_NAME>

3. Change The Environment




source <ENV_NAME>/bin/activate

4. Install The Required Packages Given In requirements.txt

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

5. Go to Source Folder and Run The Application

cd src
streamlit run

After these steps, your web app will be deployed on web, both in localhost and network.
URL for both localhost and network will be shown in the console after executing the command given in step 5.