
terminal-game sample project

Primary LanguageJava

the DOCTOR WHO Enemies app

Java 1.8 is required and maven for test dependencies

GameEngine.java, start point

* Application is starting with some default constants = GameConstants.java
* Player character created with some default values like health, attackDamage, elixirCount(extra health point)
* With creation of player, The main logic 'play' is starting


 *    With this the enemy selection process start
 * 3. RESUME
 *    If you have 3 saved games. It will resume your latest saved game then removed it to 'Saved Store'.
 *    Then it will do the same thing for rest of saved games

SelectEnemyManager.settleEnemyAndFight(player, resume = TRUE|FALSE);

* with selection of  SELECT_ENEMY_START_FIGHT_OPTION, list of enemy scren opened
	1, Enemy dead : name='Dalek', health=0, attackDamage=10
	2, Enemy alive : name='Cybermen', health=66, attackDamage=13
	3, Enemy alive : name='Davros', health=39, attackDamage=24
	4, Enemy alive : name='Omega', health=48, attackDamage=21
	5, Enemy alive : name='The Postmen', health=70, attackDamage=17
	6, Enemy alive : name='Master', health=62, attackDamage=15
	7, Enemy alive : name='The Silence', health=73, attackDamage=24
	8, Enemy alive : name='Weeping Angels', health=62, attackDamage=6
	9, Enemy alive : name='War Machines', health=1, attackDamage=17
	Please select an Enemy
* after selection round initailized then waiting  action
	Selected enemy => Dalek

	0.exit -(game will be aborted)
	1.start fighting
* with start fighting, round actions appeared
        Your health point : 100
        Dalek's health point :5
        What would you like to do?
        2.drink elixir for health point
        3.exit round
        4.save round and exit
        Please enter an action 	 
 * RESUME functionality works like a stack you're popping your last saved game       
 * end of the the round you win experience point as a health point and you may win elixir.         

The main important classes for attention :

  • GameEngineManager -> SelectEnemyManager -> FightManager
  • RoundStore.java Storage for round, resume functionality and maybe score board for further implementation
  • Round Action classes : ElixirAction, ExitRoundAction, StrikeAction, SaveUncompletedRoundAction