
Özgürlükİçin is community portal of Pardus

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

 Django environment (Python, Web Server (Apache recommended), mod_python (if Apache preferred), Django*)
 Python Imaging Library (PIL)
 DBMS (MySQL recommended)
 Pygments (for colorizing text in paste application)
 PyMAD (for gathering podcast information)
 django-evolution (>=0.6.2 for altering tables)

Note About TinyMCE:
* We're using a patch to hide unneeded tabs in advimage and advlink plugins. It can be found under patches directory.

 1. edit settings.py
 2. run 'python manage.py syncdb'
 3. run 'mkdir media/upload/{image,video} -p'
 4. run 'chmod 777 -R media/upload'
 5. copy htaccess file into the web directory as .htaccess and
    edit it.
 6. restart apache and go to WEB_URL/admin