ozguro's Following
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- arendjrIndependent contractor
- ascorbic@VelaLabs @withastro
- ashbAstronomer.io
- bcantrillOxide Computer Company
- becka11yWebA11y.com
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- creationix@luvit
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- jtyberg
- kriszyp@HarperDB
- lorinbeer@parsable
- manifestinteractiveManifest Interactive, LLC
- mezzoblueVancouver
- mschulkind
- NachoManVancouver BC / Kahuku, Hawaii
- nzakasHuman Who Codes LLC
- purdrew@Facebook
- purplecabbageAdobe Software, Formerly PhoneGap :( @adobe @apache Apache Cordova
- RandyMcMillan@bitcoincore-dev
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- why-zz? :(
- whymirrorNot affilated with _why, just a good place to fork. Please send pull requests to projects' current maintainers!
- zeraza