
Port Price Tracker Port Price Tracker is a REST API application for tracking prices between ports along with their validation dates. The application allows users to easily select ports and dates to retrieve the prices for the selected ports. Users can also compare prices from different carriers over time. The application requires users to log in before use, and only administrators can add users, ports, and countries.


Port to Port Price Tracking: Retrieve prices between selected ports and dates.
Carrier Comparison: Compare port prices from different carriers.
Historical Data: View historical pricing data over time.
Authentication and Authorization: Secure login for users, with admin-only capabilities for managing users, ports, and countries.

Technologies Used


Java Spring Boot: Framework for building the REST API.
Spring Security: Provides authentication and authorization.
Hibernate: ORM framework for database operations.
Lombok: Reduces boilerplate code with annotations.
MapStruct: Simplifies object mapping.
PostgreSQL: Relational database management system.


React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
React Router: Handles routing within the application.
React Select: Enhances select inputs with custom styling and behavior.
Axios: HTTP client for making API requests.