
🎞️ Get correct Youtube video titles with YOURLS

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Fix Youtube titles Listed in Awesome YOURLS!

Without this plugin, shortening a Youtube URL returns an incorrect title: Before you continue to YouTube (read why below)

With this plugin, you get the correct title, ie Backyard Squirrel Maze 1.0- Ninja Warrior Course - YouTube

Tested with YOURLS 1.8.1 and above.


  1. In /user/plugins, create a new folder named fix-youtube-titles or something like this
  2. Drop these files in that directory.
  3. Go to the Plugins administration page (eg. http://sho.rt/admin/plugins.php) and activate the plugin.
  4. Have fun!


Do what the hell you want with it.

Why is this needed?

Youtube redirects every unknown user to a page where they need to accept their darn cookies:

Your YOURLS instance is such an unknown user to Google, since it has no Youtube cookie. This plugin tricks Youtube and makes it think it has one.

🍪 FTW.