
A fullstack javascript web app that uses Node.js, websockets and MongoDB to let users log in, create and join rooms and chat with strangers or friends.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Chatroom is a web app with minimalistic interface that lets you chat with others online.

Users can log in in two ways:

  • anonymously, by choosing a nickname
  • with their Facebook account

You can join an already existing chatroom, or create your own. When creating a new chatroom you can:

  • choose its name
  • protect it with a password or make it free for all
  • restrict the maximum number of people allowed in the room

Once you are in a chatroom, you can:

  • see who else is there with you
  • send and receive instant messages,
  • leave or logout at any time

When the last person in a chatroom leaves, it is automatically deleted.

Thanks to websockets, you see everything happen in real time, with no page refresh:

  • receiving messages
  • people joining / leaving rooms
  • rooms being created / deleted


Chatroom is a Node.js server, based on the Express framework. It uses Passport for authentication of the users and persists data (active users, chatrooms etc.) in a Mongodb databse.

On the clientside, Javascript and Bootstrap CSS are used.

Fast real-time communication between the client and server are provided by websockets, using Socket.io

Project Structure

  • lib
    • config - Configuration details about the Facebook authentication and user serialization with Passport
    • models - Description of the two databse models - room and user
    • public
      • javascripts - Clientside scripts, handling the websocket messages and UI actions for each page
        • chatSockets.js
        • login.js
        • js.js
      • stylesheets - Some style definitions
    • routes
      • index.js - the request handlers for each endpoint of the server
        • GET /rooms
        • GET /isFree/:nickname
        • POST /
        • GET /logout
        • GET /auth/facebook
        • all /removeEmptyRooms
        • POST /rooms
        • GET /rooms/:roomName
        • POST /rooms:/roomName
        • serverside handling of the websocket messages
    • util - small utility functions
    • views - for each page - a view file defining its HTML structure and bindings to javacript variables
  • app.js - Entry-point of the application - setup of the server address, port, database and database schemas
  • package.json - information about the project and its dependencies

To do:

  • make 'new room' input field red if user enter a name of already existing room
  • move db connection info to /lib/config
  • move transformation of room to table row in one place only (now it is separate for initial /rooms load and after room create/update)
  • remember which page is requested without authentication so that user can be redirected after login
  • (bad practice?) currently using middleware to attach the req.user object, which Passport creates, to req.session, which the local logic uses.
  • separate router functions in files for better readability
  • make tests

Future features (?):

  • Public chat for people in the lobby
  • Show which/how many users are in the lobby/each room
  • Show when someone is typing
  • Timestamp of when each msg is sent
  • Message is seen by
  • Emoticons
  • Exclusive features to Facebook users

To read: