
Utility to fetch translations from Google Docs and store it in React Intl-compatible JSON-format.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

i18n tool for Google Docs

Utility to fetch translations from Google Docs and store it in React Intl-compatible JSON-format.

Set up

Step 1: Fork this repository.

Step 2: Get credentials.json:

You can download it from Google API Console by creating new project. When you got it - put it in project root.

Step 3: Generate token.json:

To generate it, run npm run generate-token and answer all the questions.

Step 4: Create spreadsheet in Google Docs with following structure or create a copy of sample spreadsheet.

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Common.Buttons.Save Сохранить Save Guardar Sauvegarder
Common.Buttons.Cancel Отменить Cancel Anular Annuler

Step 5: Specify document to app.

Create .env file by copying .env.example and fill fields. SPREADSHEET_ID can be found in spreadsheet url.


To be sure that everything working use npm run preview

To get results and put it in repository use npm start.

All translations will be putted in /translations folder with {locale}.json format.