
:star2: 3D web roadmap and resources

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3D Web Roadmap

In this roadmap, you will find all the material required to master 3D Web including
technologies, tools, roadmaps, objects and furthermore

3D Web Development Roadmap

  • Getting Started

    • Introduction to 3D Web Development
    • Setting Up the Development Environment
    • Basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Review
  • Graphics and 3D Concepts

    • Introduction to 3D Graphics
    • Understanding 3D Coordinate Systems
    • Working with 3D Models and Textures
    • Lighting and Shading in 3D
  • WebGL Fundamentals

    • Introduction to WebGL
    • Rendering with WebGL
    • Interactivity and User Input
    • WebGL Optimization Techniques
  • Three.js Basics

    • Getting Started with Three.js
    • Creating Scenes, Cameras, and Renderers
    • Working with Geometries and Meshes
    • Material and Texture Mapping
    • Animation and Tweening
  • Advanced Three.js

    • Shaders and Custom Materials
    • Post-Processing Effects
    • Physics Integration with cannon.js
    • Raycasting and Collision Detection
  • 3D Web Development Projects

    • Building a 3D Portfolio Website
    • Creating Interactive 3D Presentations
    • Developing 3D Games for the Web
    • Building AR/VR Experiences with WebXR
  • Resources and Further Learning

    • Recommended Books and Tutorials
    • Web Development Blogs and Websites
    • Useful Tools and Libraries for 3D Web Dev

The Roadmap 📕

This is the ultimate path for your web development transformation, which helps you with finding your way through 3D web development, gathering the tools and resources needed to master. The roadmap includes the 9 top library which is used for todays 3D web development, with resources, code snippets and commonly asked questions inside it. There are also specific materials for your journey including the objects section, arming you with objects you can practice on.

Resources 🎈

The resources gathered for this roadmap are presented by the latest updates and features around the web.

The roadmap includes:

  1. Learning Path
  2. Code Snippets
  3. Common Bugs
  4. Commonly Asked Questions
  5. Latest Tutorial Blogs and Videos

Contribution 📍

Have a look at contirbutions docs and discussions for how to update roadmaps. Then select what you want to work on in issues section and improvements list for bugs and updates.