
We take a look at moving away from traditional API polling integration into a real-time integration in which the client app uses a persistent connection to the server for bidirectional communication and live data streaming.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Realtime Web Apps with Nodejs, Angular, Socket.io, Redis

With this project, we take a look at moving away from traditional API polling integration into a real-time integration in which the client app uses a persistent connection to the server for bidirectional communication and live data streaming. We also talk about the scalability challenges of the application and integration with Redis as our in in-memory data solution.

Getting Started

Install Redis locally. Clone the repo and run the server and client code as follows:

From the server folder - type node server
From the client folder - type ng serve
Open the Browser using https://localhost/4200 to load the client

When using the socket integration, open the socket test tool to send data to the server which can then be stream back to the client.

Open the Browser using https://localhost/1337

Installing Redis on Bash Locally

Run the following script to install Redis on Bash (Ubunto). This install Redis using the default port number 6379

$ sudo apt-get install redis-server -y
$ sudo sed -i -e 's/' /etc/redis/redis.conf
$ sudo service redis-server restart

Start a session using:

$ redis-cli

Test the service with the following:

>set table:key "{data:'here'}" 
>get table:key

Add and Query the data with the following:

>zadd table:data 100 "{data:'100'}"
>zadd table:data 200 "{data:'200'}"
>ZRANGEBYSCORE  table:data 100 200

Built With

Versioning / Branches

  • api - $ git checkout -b api - api integration
  • socket - $ git checkout -b socket - socketio integration
  • redis - $ git checkout -b redis - redis integration
  • master - $ git checkout -b redis - final integration
  • sqlserver - $ git checkout -b sqlserver - sql server, typeorm and cache-aside pattern



This project is licensed under the MIT License.
