
BigDecimals do not use the provided Locale from PoijiOptions

beckerdennis opened this issue · 4 comments

If a column is parsed as BigDecimal, the parser will always use the system default Locale. That causes my unit tests to fail either in my build pipeline (Locale.US) or on my device locally (Locale.GERMANY)

Hi @beckerdennis ,

Thank you for contributing Poiji. I see that we don't use Locale for the bigDecimal

return Parsers.bigDecimals().parse(value);

Do you want to make available this behavior for big decimal numbers via PR? otherwise I will do it.

Hi @ozlerhakan
I just created a PR with the required changes :)

Ah I see your PR already! thank you @beckerdennis , I will check it on weekend

you can use now poiji 3.1.4 @beckerdennis , thanks again :)