DESMOND is a method for identification of Differentially ExpreSsed gene MOdules iN Diseases.
DESMOND accepts gene expression matrix and gene interaction network and identifies connected sets of genes up- or down-regulated in subsets of samples.
- matrix of normalized gene expressions; first row and column contain gene and sample names respectively
- network of gene interactions; list of edges in a format gene1\tgene2 or network in NDEx format
python --exprs $exprs --network $network --basename $proj_name --out_dir $outdir \
--alpha $a --p_val $p_val -q $q --direction UP --verbose > $outdir/$proj_name.UP.LOG 2> $outdir/$proj_name.UP.ERR;
python --exprs $exprs --network $network --basename $proj_name --out_dir $outdir \
--alpha $a --p_val $p_val -q $q --direction DOWN --verbose > $outdir/$proj_name.DOWN.LOG 2> $outdir/$proj_name.DOWN.ERR;
# calculate empirical p-values and merge up- and dow-regulated biclusters if necessary
python --up $outdir/$proj_name.'alpha='$a',beta_K='$b',direction=UP,p_val='$p_val',q='$q.biclusters.tsv \
--down $outdir/$proj_name.'alpha='$a',beta_K='$b',direction=DOWN,p_val='$p_val',q='$q.biclusters.tsv \
--exprs $exprs --network $network -s $outdir/$proj_name',q='$q'.SNR_threshold.txt' \
--out $outdir/$proj_name.'alpha='$a',beta_K='$b',p_val='$p_val',q='$q.biclusters.permutations.tsv --verbose > $outdir/$proj_name.permutations.LOG 2> $outdir/$proj_name.permutations.ERR;
- *.biclusters.tsv - list of identified biclusters.
- *.network.txt - temporary network file, contains the network with samples assigned on edges. This file is used for restarts with the same network and parameters 'direction', 'p_val', 'min_SNR' and 'min_n_samples'.
code used in the paper:
@article{Zolotareva2020, doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa1038}, url = {}, year = {2020}, month = dec, publisher = {Oxford University Press ({OUP})}, author = {Olga Zolotareva and Sahand Khakabimamaghani and Olga I Isaeva and Zoe Chervontseva and Alexey Savchik and Martin Ester}, editor = {Janet Kelso}, title = {Identification Of Differentially Expressed Gene Modules In Heterogeneous Diseases}, journal = {Bioinformatics} }