- 3
How to remove Atom-Dock
#64 opened by furusiyya - 1
- 5
Add Gnome 3.18 support
#62 opened by marconallo - 1
Cropped Icons
#60 opened by gnesterif - 2
Atom dock suggestions
#59 opened by sergioad - 1
Dock breaks Screenshots
#57 opened by cldx - 4
Intellihide does not work on 3.16
#55 opened by lacson - 9
Compatibility with GNOME Shell 3.15.91
#52 opened by marko-lazic - 0
Notifications appear behind Dock
#53 opened by cldx - 10
Opening Message Tray conflicts with Dock behavior
#41 opened by cldx - 6
- 1
Dock on left side
#50 opened by glaucocustodio - 2
- 0
- 1
Message bar responsiveness to high
#48 opened by athordan - 19
- 5
- 3
Click to minimize
#30 opened by kaidesu - 6
Icon size
#31 opened by TaylanTatli - 11
- 6
#37 opened by crutchcorn - 1
- 5
dock behind LO
#29 opened - 5
Dock doens't hide if notification panel opened
#36 opened by Foggalong - 5
The title of the application appears behind the dock
#18 opened by fsvh - 3
Dock goes behind windows when switching workspace
#25 opened by kyuucr - 1
App Button (Dock) loses focus.
#40 opened by cldx - 2
Disable popup while holding button
#38 opened by crutchcorn - 2
Can't Install
#35 opened by Foggalong - 1
#27 opened by rickpalmeira - 6
Gnome 3.14
#32 opened by NamPNQ - 5
Have dock always showing
#28 opened by robcalcroft - 1
App menu error on Gnome 3.12
#26 opened by optimisme - 1
No popover menu on running applications
#20 opened by timjp87 - 7
Dock should respect Message Tray
#21 opened by cldx - 14
Atom dash appears on top instead of bottom
#12 opened by satya164 - 6
I can't click on the bottom desktop.
#16 opened by fsvh - 1
Add option to uninstall in Makefile
#13 opened by satya164 - 1
Rename the "nos" prefix to "atom"
#9 opened by kyuucr - 0
- 3
Implement :overview pseudo-class for Dock
#6 opened by cldx - 5
Make Dash Button & Workspaces Button draggable
#5 opened by cldx