
Makes Prometheus metrics from Nginx access log

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Go Report Card

Accesslog Exporter

The exporter accepts accesslog via syslog stream and exposes metrics readable for Prometheus.


The Go with version 1.11 should be installed.

Build and run

To build and run exporter perform the following command:

$> make build
$> ./accesslog-exporter --config.path=etc/config.yaml --ua-regex.path=etc/regexes.yaml --web.addr=:9032 --syslog.addr=:9033


  • config.path - the path to the exporter config. Default value: etc/config.yaml.
  • ua-regex.path - the path to the file, that contains all regexes for parsing user agent. Default value: etc/regexes.yaml.
  • web.addr - the address on which the metrics are exposed. Default value: :9032.
  • syslog.addr - the address on which the syslog accept requests(Nginx access log lines). Default value: :9033.


To run tests use the command:

make test


To run benchmarks use the command:

make bench

Config explanation

This is an example of configuration that cover all aspects of Exporter features:

  # (optional) If log string contains $remote_addr that
  # belongs to following subnets - User Agent won't be parsed
  # Instead of that OS and Device will be marked as "internal"

  # (optional) User agents cache max size (items). Default - 100k
  user_agent_cache_size: 200000

  # (optional) Number of workers(goroutines) to parse and export log line metrics. Default - 100
  export_workers: 1000

  # (optional) Use this for custom User Agent replacements
    - match_re: ^MyStore\/([0-9]+)
        os: IOS
        user_agent: myapp_ios_$1
    - match_re: ^myapp_android\/([0-9\.]+)
        os: Android
        user_agent: myapp_android_$1 # $1 will be replaced by version

  # (optional) If defined - additional metric will be collected for particular path
    - match_re: ^/(\?.*)?$
      match_method: "GET" # (optional)
        request_uri: home
    - match_re: ^/search/.*
      match_method: "GET" # (optional)
        request_uri: search

  # (optional) Contains list of equivalent hosts, that should considered as the same, for example: www.site.com, site.com
    - match: 'site.ru'
      replacement: 'www.site.ru'

# (required) List of your Nginx hosts to collect logs from
  - host: loadbalancer
    # Nginx log format.
    # See https://nginx.org/ru/docs/http/ngx_http_log_module.html
    # Following multiline string will be simple one-line string
    # See YAML syntax here:
    # https://symfony.com/doc/current/components/yaml/yaml_format.html
    log_format: >
      [$time_local] | $remote_addr | $remote_user | $status | $scheme | $host | "$request" | $body | $body_bytes_sent| $fullrequest | $http_user_agent | $http_referer | $request_time | $connection_requests

The config file consists of two sections:

  1. Global - contains filters, replacements, cache, worker settings.
  2. Sources - contains list of Nginx hosts with access log formats. It should have at least one accesslog format!

Lets examine each parameter in Global section:

parameter required default value description
internal_subnets no - It is a list of subnets that are considered as internal and for which the requests should not be processed.
user_agent_cache_size yes 100000 Defines how many parsed user agent should be stored in memory. The cache allows to process the incoming logs stream faster.
export_workers yes 100 Number of workers(actually goroutines) to parse and export log lines.
user_agents no - Is used for custom User Agent replacements in metrics labels.
request_uris no - Is used to collect additional metric(uri_response_time_seconds) by particular uri path.
hosts no - Contains list of equivalent hosts, that should considered as the same, for example: www.site.com and site.com.