
Automated bug report triager

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Bug Severity Detection Tool

Bug Severity Detection Tool is a software engineering tool which designed and implemented in the domain of project supported by Siemens Turkey and Sabanci University. The tool helps developer to detect the severity of a bug report without trouble by using machine learning algorithms to automate the process. Tool assumes that you have 3 severity levels as 'non-critical', 'normal' and 'critical'. If you don't have a ready training dataset, you can use the sample dataset called summaryList extracted from Bugzilla repositories.


This tool uses essential data science libraries in Python. Installing current Anaconda distribution of Python would be beneficial for the user. Otherwiser, you should install essential Python packages by using pip package manager. You should use a Python distribution whose version is greater than 3.0. We also strongly advised to use it in a Python virtual enviroment as a precaution just in case of breaking your global environment.

  • Python Version > 3.0

Installing packages


conda create -n $YOUR_ENV$ python=3.6
source activate $YOUR_ENV$ 
conda install numpy pandas matplotlib jupyter scikit-learn pickle
conda install -c anaconda gensim 


pip install matplotlib scikit-learn numpy pandas gensim jupyter pickle
python3 -m pip install --user $YOUR_ENV$

Installation & Usage

In Unix derivative operating systems, you run the program using the following commands.

chmod +x train_and_validate.py eval.py
# You should change the python interpreter at the beginner of each file
# Find the location of interpreter using `which python` command on cli.

# You training file should be in csv format with such columns respectivly:

./train_and_validate.py --ifile $YOUR_TRAINING_FILE$

# You can quit from eval.py by simply typing `quit` or pressing CTRL+C

Posibble Improvements

This tool uses 100x100x3 neural network architecture to process word vectors generated by Gensim's Word2Vec model. Accuracy of model might be increased by several changes. Firstly, the number of bug reports used in training can be increased. Secondly, we realized the fact that convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks can be used as a neural network architure. Thirdly, in the project, ntlk's stopwords and tokenizers are used for the preprocessing stage. However, through the end of project, we realized that tokenizer works poorly and stopwords are not enough as expected. Therefore, you may look for a new natural language toolkit to increase metrics.
