
PHP MySQL PDO Database Class

Primary LanguagePHP

Databaseclass - PDO wrapper with prepared statements.

This project provides a full extension for PHP's PDO (PHP Data Objects) class designed for ease-of-use and saving development time/effort. This is achived by providing methods - delete, insert, select, select a row, update and other PDO property - for quickly building common SQL statements, handling exceptions when SQL errors are produced, and automatically returning results/number of affected rows for the appropriate SQL statement types.

  • Connection Settings
  • Installation
  • Methods
    • Select
      • Fetch Modes
    • Single Row
      • Fetch Modes
    • Insert
    • Udate
    • Delete
    • Query
    • Stored Procedure

To use the class

1. Connection Settings

  • First of all, Edit the database settings in the Config/Database.php
return [
    //Database Connection parameters
    'connections' => [
        'mysql' => array(
            'read' => array(
                'host' => '',  //localhost
            'write' => array(
                'host' => ''   //localhost
            'port'      => '3306',
            'driver'    => 'mysql',
            'database'  => 'test',              //database name
            'username'  => 'root',              //database username
            'password'  => '',                  //database user password
            'charset'   => 'utf8',              //default charset
            'collation' => 'utf8_general_ci',   //charset collection
            'persistent'=> false,
            'prefix'    => ''

2. Installation

  • Require the class in your project.
  • Create the instance Database Class

You can look php namespace usage. 🔗 PHP Manual-Using namespaces

use Bin\System\Database as DB;
$DB=new DB();

3. Methods

  • Once you have configured your database connection, you may run methods using the DB facade.

  • Select Method

    $table = 'users';

The select method will always return an array of results.

  • If you want get some field in table.
    $table = 'users';
    $fields = array('Name','Lastname');
    //"PDO::FETCH_OBJ: returns an anonymous object with property names that correspond to the column names returned in your result set"
    $fields = array('Name','Lastname');
  • ⚠️ setFetchMode method must be used before select, row and query methods.

  • Row Method

    //row method parameters are $table, $values, $params, $options
    //$values and $options can be null, 
    $table = 'users';
    $params = array('Id' => 3);
    $result = DB::row($table, null, $params);
  • If you want get some field in table.
    $table = 'users';
    $values = array('Id','Name','Lastname');
    $params = array('Id' => 3);
    $result = DB::row($table, $values, $params);
    $table = 'users';
    $params = array('Id' => 3);
    $result = DB::row($table, null, $params);
  • ⚠️ setFetchMode method must be used before select, row and query methods.

  • Insert Method

    $params = ['Name'      => 'Fatih',
               'Lastname'  => 'ÖZTÜRK',
               'Age'       =>  29,
               'Birthdate' => '1985-03-15'];
    $result = DB::insert('users', $params);
        echo "Success message";
  • ⚠️ The array keys must be same table coloumn name.

  • Update Method

    $params = ['Name'      => 'Fatih',
               'Lastname'  => 'ÖZTÜRK',
               'Age'       =>  29,
               'Birthdate' => '1985-03-15',
               'Where'     => ['Id' => 1]];
    $result = DB::update('users', $params);
    if ($result) {
        echo "Success message";
  • ⚠️ You must set where clause like 'Where'=>['Id' => 1]

  • Delete Method

    $params = ['Id'=>1];
    $result = DB::delete('users', $params);
  • Query Method

  • If you can use a subquery or join query, this method is simply fetch your query.

    $sql="SELECT * FROM users";

Comming soon