Synchronous Slide Tests

This repo contains several sample programs building up primitives for a synchronous slide FFT.

This code is compatible with Cerebras SDK 1.0.0.

Register for access to the Cerebras SDK here. Documentation for the SDK can be found here.


Constructs a program with a row of kernel_width PEs, where kernel_width is a multiple of four from 8 to 32. Each PE has arrays arr0 and arr1 of size num_elems. Each PE from 0 to kernel_width / 2 - 1 initializes arr0. The kernel shifts the data by kernel_width / 4 PEs, with the shifted data ending up in arr1. Thus, for PE i, where i < kernel_width / 2, the contents of arr0 are moved to arr1 of PE i + kernel_width / 4.


Same as above, except with data shifting in both directions. For PE i, where i < kernel_width / 2, the contents of arr0 are moved to arr1 of PE i + kernel_width / 4. For PE i, where i >= kernel_width / 2, the contents of arr0 are moved to arr2 of PE i - kernel_width / 4.

The script performs a sweep over multiple kernel widths and number of elements, producing a CSV file with cycle counts on the left, middle, and right PEs for performing the synchronous slide.