Global Tours & Tickets Case Mobile November 2023

Hello everyone 👋

  • This document provides information about the development and evaluation of the sample application.

  • As part of the testing, we expect you to prepare the sample application (App Preview) at the bottom of the document.

  • The application must be developed using Typescript. It should work on Android and Ios platforms. It should include all the features in the App Preview section.

    • Navigation elements (Tabbar, Drawer etc.)
    • Form validations
    • Theme support
    • Continuing the session (If logged in, do not show the login screen.)
    • State storage (If there is added data, store it.)
    • Map operations
  • After preparing your application, you can send us an e-mail in the format specified in the Contact field.

Note: If you do not own a Mac computer to develop on the iOS platform, please inform us in the notes section of the e-mail.

Thanks for your time. Happy coding. 🎈
Tolgahan Çelik

Getting started

  1. Fork this project.

  2. Clone the forked project to your computer..

    git clone
  3. Go to the root directory of the project.

    cd YOUR_PATH/GtCaseMobileNov2023
  4. Install project dependencies.

    npm install
  5. Setting environment variables. Create .env file in the project's main directory. Fill this file according to the .env.example file.

    touch .env
    open .env
  6. [For Mac users only] Install pods.

    cd ios
    pod install

Mandatory extra steps

Things to consider when creating a Google Maps API key.

Google Maps APIs will be used in the sample application. You need to generate api keys for Android and Ios. For your safety, pay attention to the following items.

  • You need to create a Google payment account. (It is free until a certain request.)
  • When creating your API key, do not forget to add application filters and API filters to be used.
  • Store the API keys in the .env file.

Completion of integrations.

Some of the packages we added as dependencies to the project require installation. Complete the installation of these packages by reviewing their documentation.

  • Note: The react-native-config package is already configured to set environment variables. You can skip this package.
  • Note: Use your api keys with react-native-config. You can learn how to do this from the package documentation.

What needs to be done?

  • Navigation configuration with React Navigation.
  • Theme configuration with React Navigation.
  • Global state configuration with Redux.
  • Form operations with Yup and Formik.
  • Map operations with React Native Map.

What will be evaluated?

You must develop the project using TYPESCRIPT.

  • Code quality.
  • Project structure.
  • Typescript usages.
  • Package installations.
  • Package usages. (Navigation, Redux, hooks usage etc.)


Please use this format when emailing us.

App preview

01-Login 02-App 03-Create Location
04-Delete Location 05-Update Location 06-Logout
# GtCaseMobileNov2023