
Deploy to AWS with Terraform within a GitHub Action Scan via SocnarCloud

Development Steps:

Kick Off Pipeline

  • Pipeline will be automatically kicked-off on any push to main branch
  • Go to 'Action' tab beside github potal's 'Pull Request' tab
  • It should show a pipeline instance running after merging a pull request to main branch
    branches: [ "main" ]
  • After successful Terraform Plan , the pipeline will wait for user's choice either apply or destroy. To choose the option, go back to the list view of pipelines (under Actions) and select the dropdoown "Run Workflow"

Alt text

        type: choice
        description: select terraform action
        - apply
        - destroy
        required: true

Actions secrets and variables

Select repository > Settings (tab) > Secrets and Variables > Actions > Add 'New repository secret'

Repository Secrets

AWS_BUCKET_NAME name of the bucket to store terraform state my-s3-bucket
AWS_BUCKET_KEY_NAME path to the key file in the mentioned bucket myproject/infra.tfstate
AWS_REGION the region where the resources will be deployed us-east-1
AWS_ROLE the oidc role arn:aws:iam::############:role/e2esa-aws-terraform-github-oidc