
Workshop on statistical inconsistencies in published research - presented at IGGI Conference 2019

Primary LanguagePython

Detect Statistical Oddities in Published Research: Practical and Theoretical Tools

This repository houses the content presented at a workshop on research evaluation at the IGGI Conference 2019.

The aim of this workshop is to introduce knowledge and tools that may help researchers better evaluate the accuracy of reported statistics - both in their own as well as in published research. A secondary aim is to cover concepts that may help researchers avoid the statistical issues illuminated in the workshop.


This section aims to illustrate the inter-relation between statistical power, statistical significance, sample size and effect size through a series of simulations.

Each simulation can be performed employing the relative function contained in statistical_power.py, or a series of experiments can be scheduled through the simulations manager located in AI_reserch_police.py.

The simulation functions included in this repository are:

  • play_p_value_sonata Simulate a series of experiments according to a given sample size and dimension of effect. The function will produce different sounds according to the significance level achieved in a specific simulated experiment.

  • simulate_experiments Simulate a series of experiments according to different sample sizes and dimension of effect. The function will produce two point-plots showing the ordered significance levels and observed dimension of effect for each experiment performed with each sample size.
    Example of results:

  • simulate_correlations Simulate pairs of correlations according to two sample sizes and different dimensions of effect. The function will produce two scatter plots with a fitted regression line reporting the respective signifgicance levels and observed dimension of effect.
    Example of results:

  • simulate_filedrawer Samples a set of effect sizes values from a normal distribution given parameters mu and sigma. From the generated distribution of effect sizes, randomly sample a set of values, for each value simulate an experiment accordingly to a given sample size and store the observed dimension of effect of only those experiment that resulted statistically significant. The function will produce a density plot comparing the distribution of 'ground truth' effect sizes and the 'reported' observed effect sizes.
    Example of results:

** In this specific framework:
Experiment consists in randomly sample two sets of values from two normal distributions (sigma=1) which parameters mu differ according to a specified effect size (Cohen's d) and then comparing them via an indipendent samples t-test.
Correltions consists in randomly sample two sets of values from a multivariate normal distributions with mu=0 and covariance matrix=[[1, rho], [rho, 1]] and compute the strength of their relationship through Pearson product-moment correlation.

Simulations Manager


Links to repositories and materials that inspired the workshop.


We recommend setting up a virtual environment to avoid any dependency conflicts as shown below:

# Pipenv is a virtual environment manager
pip install pipenv

# Create a virtual environment in this directory
pipenv install

# open / activate virtual environment
pipenv shell

# install all the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Now we are good to go....

For Windows users we strongly advise to install numpy==1.17.1+mkl and scipy==1.3.1 (in this order) directly from the binaries distributed through https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs.