
Project Implementation for data solution and front-end app for Digital Innovation Lab course in Politecnico di Milano

Primary LanguagePython



  • Aida-Denisa OpĂ®rlesc
  • Alice Casali
  • Iacopo Marri
  • Ozan Incesulu


This project is implemented as a part of Digital Innovation Lab course, composed of 2 parts.

  1. Front-end implementation as a prototype for the evaluation questionnaire including handwriting detection and text-to-speech integrations.
  2. MongoDB database implementation for demonstrating NoSQL usage for persisting and querying entities.
  • Implementation details:

    We chose to create a front-end client application written in JavaScript, and using Vue.JS framework, as well as Firebase SDK. Because of the limited functionalities that we are implementing, we chose to use Firebase Functions, in order to calculate the level assigned to the user based on the answer to the questions. In the functions, we instantiate Google Vision Client and Text To Speech Client, in order to evaluate the image with the handwritten word, or to convert some text to an audio buffer when the user needs to hear the question out loud.

  • Architecture:

    Frontend Architecture

  • Screenshots: Question Results Page Handwriting Result

  • Execution Instructions:

    • Install NodeJS and NPM.
    • Run
    cd side
    npm i
    npm run serve


  • Implementation details:

    We have used Python and the Faker library to generate random entities to demonstrate the usage of MongoDB for our data model entities. After generating, we have used PyMongo to insert the documents to the database and created 8 significant queries that we believe would show the power and usage of MongoDB for our theoretical project.

  • Execution Instructions:

    • Install Docker
    • Run
    cd mongo
    docker compose up