
An Android library for creating a WebPay token from a credit card

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

webpay-token-android Build Status

webpay-token-android is an Android library for creating a WebPay token from a credit card.


Android 2.2 (API level 8) and above


Retrieving from mavenCentral() repository.

In your Android project's build.gradle file:

dependencies {
  compile 'jp.webpay.android:webpay-token:1.0.0@aar'

Sample application

You can try a sample application downloading from Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.webpay.android.token.sample

It includes a sample for integration with card.io.

How to use

webpay-token provides:

  • Button whose appearance changes depending on the result of token creation
  • User interface filling in user's credit card details
  • Client for creating token

You can use one from the above that fits your need.

Button and payment form

  1. Implement WebPayTokenCompleteListener in your Activity

    + public class MyFragmentActivity implements WebPayTokenCompleteListener {
    - public class MyFragmentActivity {
    public void onTokenCreated(Token token) {
        // called when Token created
    public void onCancelled(Throwable lastException) {
        // called when error raised
  2. Add FrameLayout to position button that opens dialog

        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
  3. Call replace() to replace id of the FrameLayout in 2. with WebPayTokenFragment

    WebPayTokenFragment tokenFragment = WebPayTokenFragment.newInstance(WEBPAY_PUBLISHABLE_KEY);
        .replace(R.id.webpay_token_button_fragment, tokenFragment)

See also: sample/TokenCreateActivity

Payment form

You can call the form creating Token directly.

  1. Implement WebPayTokenCompleteListener in your Activity
    + public class MyFragmentActivity implements WebPayTokenCompleteListener {
    - public class MyFragmentActivity {
    public void onTokenCreated(Token token) {
        // called when Token created
    public void onCancelled(Throwable lastException) {
        // called when error raised
  2. Call CardDialogFragment directly
    // You can specify supporting card types manually
    List<CardType> supportedCardTypes = CardType.VM();
    CardDialogFragment fragment = CardDialogFragment.newInstance(WEBPAY_PUBLISHABLE_KEY,     supportedCardTypes);
    fragment.show(getFragmentManager(), CARD_DIALOG_FRAGMENT_TAG);

See also: sample/CardDialogActivity

Client library

You can also create Token using WebPay class directly. But you need to implement the user interface by yourself.

RawCard rawCard = new RawCard()

new WebPay(WEBPAY_PUBLISHABLE_KEY).createToken(rawCard, new WebPayListener<Token>() {
    public void onCreate(Token result) {
        // called when Token created

    public void onException(Throwable cause) {
        // called when error raised

See also: sample/HandleWebPayActivity


Copyright (c) 2015- WebPay, Inc.

Released under the MIT license.