
Blazor server app to demonstrate CRUD functionality for a domain model.

Primary LanguageC#

Space44 Student CRUD Blazor Demo

Blazor server app to demonstrate CRUD functionality for a domain model.

This solution is built using CLEAN architecture.

Solution overview

This solution enables CRUD functionality for a Student data model. The UI is a Blazor Server app talking to a REST API.

Stack Details

  • UI: Blazor Server/ASP.NET Core 5
  • Data Access: EF Core 5
  • Database: Embedded SQLite
  • API: ASP.Net Core 5.0 REST API with OData endpoints for easy search and filtering
  • Middleware: Mediatr for CQRS implementation, Automapper for DTO mapping, FluentValidation for entity/DTO validation, Serilog for logging, Refit for typed HTTP clients
  • Security: JWT bearer token authentication using ASP.Net Identity and EF Core


There are a total of 5 modules, listed below

  • Common

    This module contains common utilities, classes and domain objects

  • Persistence

    This module contains the Persistence model/entities. The data access layer is built using EF Core 5.0 and SQLite.

  • Application

    • This module contains business logic for the application. This is split into two use cases
      • Student CRUD handlers: Logic for creating, updating and deleting student records along with DTO validations.
      • Authentication handlers: Logic for registering new users and handling user logins along with DTO validations
  • API

    • This module contains REST API endpoints exposing CRUD functionality.
    • The port is set to 7070 and the Swagger UI can be accessed when started here: http://localhost:7070/swagger/index.html
    • An OData endpoint for filtering/sorting Student records is exposed at /odata/$metadata
    • Authentication and Authorization is implemented using JWT tokens.
    • The embedded SQLite database is located within this project and is named sample3.db, this database is used for all the modules.
  • BlazorServerApp

    • This module contains Web UI for managing Student records.
    • The port is set to 7072 and the Swagger UI can be accessed when started here: http://localhost:7072
    • Two UI libraries are used namely AntDesign Blazor and Syncfusion Blazor Components.
    • The web app authenticates agains the API to retrieve access tokens which are subsequently used to access the endpoints.
    • All data access happens on the API side and the API and Web UI can be hosted and scaled separately