
Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

sphere2cube PyPI version PyPI

sphere2cube is a Python script to map equirectangular (cylindrical projection, skysphere) map into 6 cube (cubemap, skybox) faces. See also cube2sphere. This is a slightly adjusted repository to process multiple inputs at once.


$ sphere2cube -h
usage: sphere2cube [-h] [-v] [-r <size>] [-R <rx> <ry> <rz>] [-p <pattern>]
                   [-o <dir>] [-f <name>] [-b <path>] [-t <count>] [-V]

Maps an equirectangular (cylindrical projection, skysphere) map into 6 cube
(cubemap, skybox) faces.

positional arguments:
  <source>              source equirectangular image folder

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -r <size>, --resolution <size>
                        resolution for each generated cube face (defaults to 1024)
  -R <rx> <ry> <rz>, --rotation <rx> <ry> <rz>
                        rotation in degrees to apply before rendering cube
                        faces (z is up)
  -F <angle>, --fov <angle>
                        field of view of camera used for rendering cube faces
  -p <pattern>, --path <pattern>
                        filename pattern for rendered faces: default is
                        "face_%n_%r", where %n is replaced by the face number
                        and %r by the resolution
  -o <dir>, --output-dir <dir>
                        directory to save rendered faces to (it must already
  -f <name>, --format <name>
                        format to use when saving faces, i.e. "PNG" or "TGA"
  -b <path>, --blender-path <path>
                        filename of the Blender executable (defaults to
  -t <count>, --threads <count>
                        number of threads to use when rendering (1-64)
  -V, --verbose         enable verbose logging

Supported output formats depend on the Blender installation, but will generally be TGA, IRIS, JPEG, MOVIE, IRIZ, RAWTGA, AVIRAW, AVIJPEG, PNG, BMP, and FRAMESERVER.

sphere2cube can be run in a headless environment (e.g., a server).


$ sphere2cube <input_folder> -o <output_folder> -b <blender executable> -f PNG

This loops over all panoramic images in input_folder and stores them per image in the output_folder.


Clone the directory and run pip install ./sphere2cube. It requires a Python 3 installation, and at least Blender 2.8.

It assumes that Blender is installed and the blender executable is listed in the system PATH environment variable. If it is not possible for PATH to be edited (as in the case of an unprivileged user), the path to the blender executable may instead be passed through the -b flag.