PARALiA is an end-to-end BLAS framework offering near-optimal BLAS performance and resource utilization using a a model-assisted approach. It performs microbenchmarks during installation, uses these for constructing BLAS and interconnect performance models, and employs them for autotuning coupled with an optimized task scheduler, resulting in near-optimal data distribution and performance-aware resource utilization.
- Python 3.x (packages: argsparse, os, fnmatch, pandas, sklearn. Additionally for plotting: math, numpy, scipy, matplotlib, seaborn)
- CUDA toolkit 10+ (tested with multiple 11.x versions on Tesla V100, A100 and GTX GPUs)
- A gcc/g++ compiler compatible with the above CUDA (tested with 8, 11).
- OpenBLAS, installed (preferably) with the same gcc compiler.
NOTE: The main branch contains experimental research additions to PARALiA - for the stable TACO PARALiA version use the paralia1.5 branch!
PARALiA installation consists of 5 easy steps:
- Duplicate and fill with deployed system details for each different system.
- source
- (Optional - for some systems) Modify with any module loads/link paths etc required for building the DB (gcc, CUDA/CUBLAS, OpenBLAS, python)
- mkdir sysname-build && cd sysname-build
- cmake ../ && make -j
- Run in the installation dir (default: sysname-build/sysname-install) to perform microbenchmarks and build the database (will take a while to complete).
After a succesful installation, PARALiA should provide:
-, a shared library in sysname-install/Library_scheduler/lib containing all PARALiA BLAS functions.
- PARALiA.hpp, in sysname-install/Library_scheduler/include which contains the headers for the aforementioned functions.
To use these functions, you must include the PARALiA.hpp header during compilation and use -lparalia (along with -Lits_path) during linking
- Main code must be compliled/linked with C++ or nvcc.
PARALiA BLAS functions accept usual BLAS paramaters in a similar way to OpenBLAS.
- See Benchmarking/PARALiA for examples.
- CoCoPeLia: Communication-Computation Overlap Prediction for Efficient Linear Algebra on GPUs (
- PARALiA : A Performance Aware Runtime for Auto-tuning Linear Algebra on heterogeneous systems (