
An ORM for PHP based on BasicObject

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


An ORM for PHP based on the project BasicObject, but with a PostgreSQL backend.

State of project

The project is in it's infancy and has only been tested with the test suite, not in an actual project.

Database Privilages

Trying to use tables the db user does not have any privilages for will result in a NoSuchTableException.

If no other privilage than select is granted to a table foreign key references will not be visible and related tables will not be set up correctly. Also the alias id for the primary key will be unusable.


  1. Create your database just like you want it.
    CREATE TABLE foos (
    	foo_id  serial PRIMARY KEY,
    	column1 text,
    	column2 int,
    	created_at timestamptz DEFAULT NOW()
    CREATE TABLE foo_bars (
    	foo_id int,
    	bar    text,
    	FOREIGN KEY (foo_id) REFERENCES foos (foo_id),
    	PRIMARY KEY(foo_id, bar)
  2. Make sure to require SnakeDruid.php and PGDatabase.php.
    require 'SnakeDruid.php';
    require 'PGDatabase.php';
  3. Instantiate a global variable $db that is a PGDatabase. All parameters can be null and will be evaluated as a parameter string to pg_connect.
    $port = 5432;
    $db = new PGDatabase('host', 'user', 'password', 'database', $port);
  4. For each table create a class inheriting from SnakeDruid and implement the function table_name() that returns the name of the table the class is to handle.
    class Foo extends SnakeDruid {
    	protected static function table_name() {
    		return 'foos';
    class FooBar extends SnakeDruid {
    	protected static function table_name() {
    		return 'foo_bars';

The classes now have an API as follows.

Class variables

The columns

The class Foo will have the variables

  • id (alias of foo_id)
  • foo_id
  • column1
  • column2
  • created_at These are editable and saved to the db by calling commit(). Values respond to isset as you would expect.

The connected classes

The class Foo will have the variable FooBar that returns an array of all FooBar objects that have been saved to database and have the same foo_id as the Foo object. The variable FooBar is not editable.

The class FooBar will have the variable Foo that returns the Foo object with the corresponding foo_id. Setting Foo to a Foo object will update all columns in the foreign key (in this case only foo_id). Changes needs to be saved using commit().

Static methods


Fetches the object with primary key equal to $id. In Foos case that would be the value of foo_id. In FooBars case $id will need to be an associative array detailing each of the primary key columns values

from_field($field, $value)

Fetches the object where the field equals the value. Returns NULL if no such value exists and raises an exception if more than one row exists.

selection($params) Returns an array of objects based on the selection params. Syntax is described in detail below.

first($params) Returns the first object with given params or NULL if no object exists. Syntax is described in detail below.

one($params) Returns the object matching the params or NULL if none exists. Raises Exception if more than one row matches. Syntax is described in detail below.

sum($field, $params) Returns the sum of the column $field for the selection of rows matched by $params.

count($params) Returns the number of matching rows for the params.


commit() Commits changes to the object to the db. Please note that if the db is in a transaction, this does not commit that transaction.

delete() Removes the row from the database. Please note that if the db is in a transaction, this does not commit that transaction.

duplicate() Creates a duplicate of this object sans primary key values and with status not in databse.

<connected_class>($params) From outgoing foreign key situations this returns the pointed to object or null if the params do not match. From incoming foreign key situations this returns an array of matching objects.

Filter syntax

To be continued...

Running the testsuite

The easiest way to run the testsuite is to use the vagrant machine.

  1. Install vagrant, virtual box and ansible
  2. Initialize the vagrant machine: vagrant up
  3. ssh into the machine: vagrant ssh
  4. cd into the repository: cd /vagrant
  5. install dependancies: composer install
  6. run tests: ./tests/tests.sh