Keylogger Program


The Keylogger Program is made in C++. It remembers what you type on your keyboard, like when you press and let go of keys. I made this to show that I can design and make software using C++ and solve problems in programming.

Important Note: Only use this for good and fair reasons. It's not right to use it for bad things.


  • It quietly remembers what you type without causing problems for you.
  • It writes down the keys you press in special files so you can look at them later.

When It Can Help

The Keylogger Program can be useful in different situations that are okay:

  1. Parental Monitoring: HelpAccessibility Enhancement: Assist individuals with motor disabilities in using computers more effectively by analyzing recorded keystrokes parents ensure their children's online safety by monitoring keyboard inputs and online activities with proper consent.
  2. Checking on Workers: Bosses can use it to see if employees are working okay, but it should follow the company's rules.
  3. Accessibility Enhancement: Assist individuals with motor disabilities in using computers more effectively by analyzing recorded keystrokes
  4. Training and Skill Development: Develop typing training tools that analyze keyboard inputs to offer personalized guidance for skills improvement.


  • C++ Programming Language
  • C++ Compiler

How to Use

  1. Clone this repository to your computer.
  2. Make the keylogger.cpp file into a program with your C++ compiler.
  3. Run the compiled executable file.

Permissions and Ethics

  • Important: Before you use this, make sure you ask the people whose computers you're watching if it's okay. Follow the rules and respect their privacy.
  • This program is only for good things. It's totally not right to use it for bad stuff.


This Keylogger Program is for learning and being responsible. The person who made it isn't responsible if you use it wrong or if anything bad happens.


If you have questions or need help with this program, email