
AWS S3 Bucket

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Copy example file config.example.json located in ./server/config and create a config.json file. Fill its content accordingly:

  "env": "production",
  "aws": {
    "accessKeyId": "<Access Key Here>",
    "bucketName": "<Bucket Name Here>",
    "region": "<Region here>",
    "secretAccessKey": "<Secret Access Key Here>"

The configuration would be automatically pulled by nconf and applied inside the project.


First run:

yarn docker:build

and once completed, just run:

yarn docker:run

The container would be deployed and listening in the port 49160.


For a local install just:

yarn install

and then just:

yarn start

The server will be available in the port 8080.


Under the folder postman there are available the API collection files plus the environments files for both Docker and local execution.


A humble batch of integration tests and a small batch of unit tests for the key parts of the Domain are available through:

yarn test