
A Spigot Chat Interceptor.

Primary LanguageJava

Enhanced Chat

A Chat Interceptor API for splicing and editting outgoing server chat messages based on specifc keywords.

Why would plugins use this

1. Plugins would be able to add their own functionality to chat.
2. Plugins would not be required to implement their own packet interceptor.
3. Plugins would not need to handle TextComponents on their own.
How to implement

The API usage is built on the Bukkit Event API, meaning plugins that use the API don't have to "Hook" into it, they just use the Bukkit Event API to listen to the API's events.

The two events that are triggered (and what plugins will listen for) are:

  • SearchForKeywordEvent Which represents when the API searches for a keyword in a message, plugins use this event to specify what keywords to look for, and what the keywords represent.

  • PopulateKeywordEvent When a keyword is found, this event is called to "ask" plugins what the keyword's hover-tips, commands, insertion, and url are.


We want to add a hover-tip to every player's name in chat. We first need to make an ID to classify keywords as player names.

private static final long PLAYER_NAME_KEYWORD_ID = KeywordManager.createID("player-names");

We'll use this to tag our keywords we find in SearchForKeywordEvent so we don't have to recheck in PopulateKeywordEvent

Next, make a class that implements Listener, this is where we'll handle SearchForKeywordEvent and PopulateKeywordEvent.

I called our Listener class KeywordListener, you can call it whatever you'd like. Now inside KeywordListener, create two methods where one passes a argument that is a SearchForKeywordEvent, and one that is PopulateKeywordEvent, then add the EventHandler annotation to both of them.

public void search(SearchForKeywordEvent event) {


public void populate(PopulateKeywordEvent event) {


Now that we have that set up, we want to work inside our SearchForKeywordEvent EventHandler method.

We're checking if the message contains any player's username. and if it does: set the event's keyword to the player's name, then set the id of the event to our long PLAYER_NAME_KEYWORD_ID, then because we're talking about a player, our context would be that player, so we can just set the event's context as the player's name. To do that, it'd look something like this:

for (Player player:Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
	if (event.containsCustomKeyword(player.getName())) {
		// Message contains a player's name. 
		// We need to say what the keyword is that we found.
		// We're saying what word in the message we identified as a keyword.
		// We need to say what the keyword classifies as.
		// In other words, we're saying the keyword describes a Player's Name.
		// We need to say what we are talking about.
		// In this case we know we found a keyword that identifies a Player,
		// So now we're saying it's a Player named player.getName().

Now our SearchForKeywordEvent handler is done. Let's move onto our PopulateKeywordEvent handler.

Know that first the API gets a message, then triggers a SearchForKeywordEvent, and if the SearchForKeywordEvent finds a keyword after letting plugins handle it, it will then try to populate it by triggering a PopulateKeywordEvent about the keyword it found in SearchForKeywordEvent. Populating it means to give it commands to run when clicked, a hover-tip to show, insertion to add, and or a url to open for a keyword.

We want to populate Player Name keywords so when clicked, the clicker runs the command /tpa (player name) where (player name) is replaced by the context of the keyword. Our method body of our PopulateKeywordEvent handler should look like this:

// Check if the Keyword's ID is classified as a Player's Username
if (event.equalsID(PLAYER_NAME_KEYWORD_ID )) {
	// The Keyword represents a Player's Username.
	// The Context should be a Player's name,
	// according to what we did in our SearchForKeywordEvent handler.
	// In commands of our PLAYER_NAME_KEYWORD_ID, 
	// we can use the placeholder '%context%' and it will replace to our context
	// when executed.
	// So the command would look something like this "/tpa %context%"
	// We could also just do "/tpa " + event.getContext();
	// Either one works, we're just using "/tpa %context%" as it's built into the API.
	event.addCommand("/tpa %context%");
	// Lets also add a hover-tip just to show a description of what will happen when clicked.
	event.addDescription("Click me to Teleport to %context%");
	event.addDescription("/tpa %context%");

Our Listener class is now complete. All you have to do now is register the Listener we just made in your plugin. If you look at the animated gif, you can see what happens when the plugin is running on a server.

GIF of Test Plugin

If you want to see a complete version of the example plugin, link here.
