
A simple, secure, and efficient ATM system.

Primary LanguageRuby

Rails Bank

Rails Bank is a simple, secure, and efficient ATM system. It uses Ruby on Rails as the backend, providing a robust framework for web development.


  • Ruby 2.3.8
  • Rails 4.0.13
  • SQLite 1.3.9


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install Ruby (version 2.3.8) if not already installed.
  3. Install Bundler to manage dependencies: gem install bundler
  4. Install Rails (version 4.0.13) if not already installed: gem install rails -v 4.0.13
  5. Install SQLite (version 1.3.9) if not already installed.
  6. Run bundle install to install all the required gems and dependencies.
  7. Set up the database: rake db:migrate
  8. Start the server: rails server
  9. Visit localhost:3000 on your browser to access the application.


  • User registration and authentication (Devise)
  • ATM functionality: deposit, withdrawal, and balance inquiries
  • Transaction history