- Generate a Dataset from games
- Train the neural net
- Test the model
First thing is to get a 2D DataSet, where there are 12 features:
- 7 of these features implies distances to the closest wall in 7 directions (from 0 to ~40)
- Angle between snake’s direction and direction to the food (from -1 to 1)
- One hot encoded suggested local direction (-1 — left, 0 — forward, 1 — right)
- Manhattan distance between snake and food
Label of these features is defined arbitrarily depending if the snake is alive or not and if he went closer from the food or not.
- Snake died from his last move: y = -1
- Snake is still alive but further from the food: y = 0
- Snake is still alive and closer from the food: y = [0,1] : (D - food_distance) / D where D is equal to the hypotenuse of the playing area. This way we can tell how good was the situation relatively to the distance between snake and food.
The generation of the Dataset is effective through n trainings games where the snake move randomly and his first size is random between 2 integers.
I also implemented a generation of dataset that involves A* algorithm and doesn't make random move anymore.
The final DataSet looks like :
I'm using keras to implement the NN.
NN architecture:
- 3 hidden layer (64 > 32 > 16)
- Dropout and batch normalization is used after the non-linearity (ReLU here)
From all the training data injected in the neural network, it will be able to evaluate the quality of a given situation and this is the output of the NN.
Following this process the snake will not move randomly anymore, he simply takes the way that has the maximum output value from the NN which correspond to the best situation.
For the same Dataset structure, minimizing the loss function (MSE) is very dependents to the quantity and the quality of data. With only few examples the system will be very dependent of these specific situations.
nb. of example | 10 | 10'000 |
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