Discriminator Value Specs

Author: Neil Shweky
Reviewer: Oleg Pudeyev


This project is aimed at making it possible for users to override the value for the discriminator key for a child class.


Currently, when creating a document in a collection that inherits from another collection, a discriminator field is created, with the key defaulting to _type (which we can now successfully override with MONGOID-4817), and the value as the class as a string. The goal of this project is to give the user the ability to override the default value of this field.


  • Create a user-facing API that allows the user to easily set the discriminator value.
  • Implement a way to specify the discriminator value.

ActiveRecord Example

The following is an example of how the discriminator value is specified in ActiveRecord:

# shape.rb
class Shape < ApplicationRecord
    self.inheritance_column = "type2"

# circle.rb
class Circle < Shape
  def self.sti_name
    "Round Thing"

# 20200709125447_create_shapes.rb
class CreateShapes < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    create_table :shapes do |t|
      t.numeric :x
      t.numeric :y
      t.string :type2


# seeds.rb
circle = Circle.create(x: 1, y:2)

# Example Circle row
id|x|y|   type2   |        created_at        |        updated_at       |
11|1|2|Round Thing|2020-07-21 15:34:55.148343|2020-07-21 15:34:55.148343

Mongoose Example

The following is an example of how the discriminator value is specified in Mongoose:

const { Schema } = mongoose

var Shape = mongoose.model('Shape', new Schema({
  x: Number,
  y: Number
}, {
  discriminatorKey: 'shape_type',
  collection: 'shapes'

var Circle = Shape.discriminator('Circle', new Schema({}));
new Circle().save()

var rectangleSchema = new Schema({});
var Rectangle = Shape.discriminator('Rectangle', rectangleSchema, 'rect');
new Rectangle().save()

// Example Circle document
    "_id": ObjectId("5f06232bde3b7d13721e17f3"),
    "shape_type": "Circle",
    "__v": 0

// Example Rectangle document
    "_id": ObjectId("5f06232bde3b7d13721e17f4"),
    "shape_type": "rect",
    "__v": 0

As you can see, the discriminator key is specified in the parent schema. Mongoose also has the option to specify the value of the discriminator for the child schemas. This is why the shape_type in the Rectangle document has rect as its value, as was set in the third parameter to the Shape.discriminator() function.

Doctrine Example:

The following is an example of how the discriminator value is specified in Doctrine:

namespace MyProject\Model;

 * @Entity
 * @InheritanceType("SINGLE_TABLE")
 * @DiscriminatorColumn(name="discr", type="string")
 * @DiscriminatorMap({"shape" = "Shape", "circle" = "Circle"})
class Shape
    // ...

 * @Entity
class Circle extends Shape
    // ...

Proposed Functionality

The proposed functionality, and the way it works in Mongoose, is as follows:

  • The user will be able to set the discriminator value in each child class.
  • On creation of document, a field will be created with the discriminator key and the specified discriminator value as it's value
  • The parent class should not be able to set the discriminator value.

User-Facing API

The user will be able to specify the discriminator value in the child classes, as follows:

class Shape
    include Mongoid::Document
    field :x, type: Integer
    field :y, type: Integer

class Circle < Shape
    field :radius, type: Float

    self.discriminator_value = "Round Thing"

class Rectangle < Shape
    field :width, type: Float
    field :height, type: Float

Circle.create!(radius: 3)
Rectangle.create!(width: 2, height: 1)

# Example Circle document
    "_id" : ObjectId("5f05c6fe1a819b742567379a"), 
    "_type" : "Round Thing", 
    "radius" : 3 

# Example Rectangle Document
    "_id": ObjectId("5f0602261a819b0e0cbc2e5c"),
    "_type": "Rectangle",
    "width": 2,
    "height": 1

There is an added discriminator_value attribute that I will be adding.

Implementation Plan

The following are my plans for the implementation of this feature:

The main code for adding the discriminator value is in traversable.rb in a function titled inherited. There are also a few other places where class.to_s is hard-coded that have to be changed.

  1. Add a class variable to traversable.rb that is an attr_accessor and defaults to class.to_s.
  2. I want to use an attr_accessor here because I don't want inheritance to affect the value of the discriminator value.
  3. Have the discriminator value set in the default to the discriminator key field in each subclass.
  4. Prepend the discriminator_value function with the hereditary check, to make it unable to set the discriminator_value from the parent.
  5. Change the inherited function to use this variable inside the default_proc.
  6. Modify the criteria.rb (and other) files to change the hard-coded class.to_s to use the discriminator_value class variable to get the discriminator value.

Assumptions and Risks



Mongoid-4817: Overriding the default disciminator key.

Open Questions

  • Should the function be called discriminator_mapping or discriminator_value? discriminator_value
  • Should we use a function for setting the discriminator or an assignment, like ActiveRecord does?

Complexity Estimate

I think this project should take about 1-2 weeks to complete. This project cannot be parallelized between multiple engineers.




None of the current tests should break as a result of this implementation, so it should be helpful to look at the current tests to make sure I haven't broken anything. In terms of testing the new feature, here are some things I would like to test:

  1. One subclass: A case where there is one parent and one child.
  2. Multiple subclasses: When there is a parent and multiple children.
  3. When changing the discriminator value after documents have been added.
  4. Attempting to set from the parent and expecting it to fail.