
Personal framework to run trading strategies with Backtrader

Primary LanguagePython

Aglo Trader


This is my repo for backtesting algorithmic trading strategies.

Implemented with Backtrader in Python.

Run a backtest

python -m backtest.run BuyAndHold -t SPY -s 2010


backtest.run <strategy> -t <tickers list> ...


Arg Flag Possible Values Description
strategy BuyAndHold, CrossOver, etc. Choose from the list of algorithms in the ./backtest/algos/. The arg value is the filename.
tickers -t, --tickers SPY, AAPL, etc. A list of tickers to use.
universe -u, --universe sp500, faang, etc. Find the list of uniuverses in ./backtest/utils/universe.py
start -s, --start 2010, 2010-01-01 Starting date of the backtest
end -e, --end 2022, 2021-12-31 End date for backtest
cash --cash 100000 Starting cash balance
verbose -v, --verbose Show verbose details of all trades
plot -p, --plot Show the full plot
plot returns --plotreturns Only plot the returns
kwargs -k, --kwargs Additional arguments to pass through to the strategy


python -m tools.download_prices -t SPY
Tool Description
download_info Download fundamental data
download_prices Download price history for specified tickers. If no tickers given, defaults to download all tickers in SP500
update_prices Updates newest price data and appends to the end of the downloaded file (Use this once you've already downloaded data)
plot Plot price for specified tickers
validate_data Cleans up and validates price data
stats Get statistical data of ticker
etc. You can follow this format and try out the other tools as well. They can all be imported too.

Current Implemented Strategies

  • Buy and Hold (BuyAndHold.py)
  • Simple Moving Average Cross-Over (CrossOver.py)
  • Leveraged ETF Pairs (LeveragedEtfPair.py)
  • Pair Switching (PairSwitching.py)
  • Mean reversion (MeanReversion.py)


Pair Switching

This strategy has been successful for the ETF pairs MDY and TLT.

Backtest results:

2003 - 2013
Method Value SPY
Total Returns 525.71% 89.86%
Max Drawdown 16.28% 54.83%
CAGR 20.15% 6.63%
Sharpe 1.03988 0.24775
Sortino 1.52483 0.34871
2013 - 2018
Method Value SPY
Total Returns 55.83% 100.92%
Max Drawdown 9.76% 12.93%
CAGR 9.29% 14.99%
Sharpe 0.51831 0.95824
Sortino 0.72603 1.35337
2018 - YTD (09/04/2019)
Method Value SPY
Total Returns 14.64% 12.29%
Max Drawdown 12.05% 19.15%
CAGR 8.50% 7.19%
Sharpe 0.43412 0.30127
Sortino 0.58252 0.40374


This strategy has been successful for the S&P 100 stocks.

Possible Enhancements:

Quantopian: Enhancing short term mean reversion strategies

  • Filter out large 1-day news-realted moves
    • (Sort by 5d standard-deviation of returns)

Backtest results:

2013 - 2018 (60d lookback, 5d rebalance)
Method Value SPY
Total Returns 133.90% 96.88%
Max Drawdown 18.10% 13.04%
CAGR 17.54% 14.52%
Sharpe 0.97543 0.93255
Sortino 1.43594 1.32703
2018 - YTD (12/16/2019) (60d lookback, 5d rebalance)
Method Value OEF
Total Returns 33.29% 22.65%
Max Drawdown 20.20% 19.41%
CAGR 13.88% 11.03%
Sharpe 0.66737 0.53051
Sortino 0.94469 0.71488