
The code and data of DiverseDepth

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

DiverseDepth: Affine-invariant Depth Prediction Using Diverse Data.

This repository contains a FORK of the source code of this paper: Wei Yin, Xinlong Wang, Chunhua Shen, Yifan Liu, Zhi Tian, Songcen Xu, Changming Sun, DiverseDepth: Affine-invariant Depth Prediction Using Diverse Data.

Quick Start

Run the DiverseDepth depth prediction on a .png input file using:

$ python3 -m tools.test_diversedepth_png --dataroot /Users/pranav/Desktop/example_frames --dataset any --cfg_file lib/configs/resnext50_32x4d_diversedepth_regression_vircam --load_ckpt ./DiverseDepth.pth
INFO parse_arg_base.py:  56: ----------------- Options ---------------
                  base_lr: 1e-05
                batchsize: 2
                 cfg_file: lib/configs/resnext50_32x4d_diversedepth_regression_vircam	[default: lib/configs/resnext_32x4d_nyudv2_c1]
                 dataroot: /Users/pranav/Desktop/example_frames	[default: None]
                  dataset: any                           	[default: nyudv2_rel]
             dataset_list: None
         diff_loss_weight: 1
                    epoch: 100
                load_ckpt: ./DiverseDepth.pth            	[default: None]
               local_rank: 0
                loss_mode: SSIL_VNL
                    optim: SGD
                    phase: test
               phase_anno: test
              results_dir: ./evaluation
                   resume: False
         sample_depth_flg: False
       sample_ratio_steps: 10000
       sample_start_ratio: 0.1
         scale_decoder_lr: 1
              start_epoch: 0
               start_step: 0
                   thread: 1
              use_tfboard: False
----------------- End -------------------
/Users/pranav/Documents/Projects/DiverseDepth/lib/core/config.py:132: YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read https://msg.pyyaml.org/load for full details.
  yaml_cfg = AttrDict(yaml.load(f))
INFO net_tools.py:  40: loading checkpoint ./DiverseDepth.pth
torch.Size([1, 3, 480, 854])
/Users/pranav/opt/anaconda3/envs/pyroshi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/functional.py:2952: UserWarning: nn.functional.upsample is deprecated. Use nn.functional.interpolate instead.
  warnings.warn("nn.functional.upsample is deprecated. Use nn.functional.interpolate instead.")
tensor([[[[0.4962, 0.4882, 0.5051,  ..., 0.9591, 0.8918, 0.9227],
          [0.4877, 0.4818, 0.4984,  ..., 0.9416, 0.8738, 0.8987],
          [0.5105, 0.5025, 0.5052,  ..., 0.9589, 0.9369, 0.9708],
          [0.3981, 0.3958, 0.3993,  ..., 0.3272, 0.3274, 0.3282],
          [0.3881, 0.3850, 0.4023,  ..., 0.3347, 0.3287, 0.3296],
          [0.3891, 0.3856, 0.4023,  ..., 0.3351, 0.3285, 0.3301]]]],
(1, 1, 480, 854)

Some Results

Any images online Point cloud

Some Dataset Examples



  • Generalization: We have tested on several zero-shot datasets to test the generalization of our method.



We collect multiply source data to construct our DiverseDepth dataset, including crawling online stereoscopic images, images from DIML and Taskonomy. These three parts form the foreground parts (Part-fore), outdoor scenes (Part-out) and indoor scenes (Part-in) of our dataset. The size of three parts are: Part-in: contains 93838 images Part-out: contains 120293 images Part-fore: contains 109703 images We will release the dataset as soon as possible.

Model Zoo

  • ResNext50_32x4d backbone, trained on DiverseDepth dataset, download here


# Run the inferece on NYUDV2 dataset
 python  ./tools/test_diversedepth_nyu.py \
		--dataroot    ./datasets/NYUDV2 \
		--dataset     nyudv2 \
		--cfg_file     lib/configs/resnext50_32x4d_diversedepth_regression_vircam \
		--load_ckpt   ./model.pth 
# Test depth predictions on any images, please replace the data dir in test_any_images.py
 python  ./tools/test_any_diversedepth.py \
		--dataroot    ./ \
		--dataset     any \
		--cfg_file     lib/configs/resnext50_32x4d_diversedepth_regression_vircam \
		--load_ckpt   ./model.pth 

If you want to test the kitti dataset, please see here


  title={DiverseDepth: Affine-invariant Depth Prediction Using Diverse Data},
  author={Yin, Wei and Wang, Xinlong and Shen, Chunhua and Liu, Yifan and Tian, Zhi and Xu, Songcen and Sun, Changming and Renyin, Dou},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.00569},


Wei Yin: wei.yin@adelaide.edu.au